Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. will reveal the kidnapping of nakyum

Your not so innocent mind December 21, 2020 12:23 pm will tell suengho that nakyum was kidnapped in the orders of the bitch.(let's call him that cuz idr that bitch's name)
He will tell that "My lord, word has gotten to me from a fellow outside that the bitch ordered some man to kidnap, and kill the boy nakyum." Or "master a fellow from outside has told me that lord bitch has been visiting a man that is capable of assassinating,kipnapping, and almost anything if payed. My lord, he was seen multiple times of communicating with this fellow. And with the jealously that he experienced with the boy nakyum... He may have order that man to kidnap and assassinate this boy. "
I think that will be the contents in the next chapter

    en// December 21, 2020 1:41 pm

    hopefully that is what happens... My heart literally hurts so much after reading this chapter