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I am not feeling this story any more. Dropping

Daisy December 19, 2020 9:55 am

I hate stories that use violence with no exposition. The difference between this and killing/stalking is:

We knew both main characters where mentally ill from the beginning. We understood going in, that, whatever love they were going to have was gonna be dark and fuckinh twisted.

And it gave us back story.

With this story....the main top is never really fully flushed out why he acts like that.

And the bottom comes across as weak and having no real sense of self. It's annoying me. This circular dark story.

If its gonna be all about rape. Make it make fu*king sense.

Im over it at this point. Dropping. Im tired of these raped stories men love for gay men

As a ts woman with gay friends and who was once gay, no....that is not how our relationships work

And if a man did that to me, I would kill or maim him. Stop painting rape as some badge. Or something sexy.

These stories used to be so fun for me, but now, im just like damn, all these stories do is trigger me badly

I was raped once at 21 when I was a year into transistion. It was painful. There was blood and it was messy and he brutalized me. Fracture my hand, broke a blood vessel in my left eye, making me look like an extra on the walking dead.

Anal rape is not fun. For anal to be enjoyable, like a cis woman, the body has to be ready and relaxed, allowing the person in.

I definitely did not cum all over myself. I sat there destroyed. It destroyed me until I have not truly dated since then because it was done by a guy I was dating, after he got me drunk and I told him no, the first time I said no and he decided he was not feeling my answer and was gonna take it anyways.

That kind of betrayal of your own autonomy, especially by a guy you liked and trusted, follows you for the rest of your life.

Gay and trans characters deserve real stories that reflect reality and not perverts dream fantasies of us.

Im all for dark stories...if they make sense and are cohesive. But this story is turning into a raped just to be raped story. And its honestly disgusting to me
