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Is season 2 still not out? Or it’s out just not being updated on here?

Wheezer December 18, 2020 8:50 pm

Is season 2 still not out? Or it’s out just not being updated on here?

    MM707JS December 25, 2020 7:40 am

    Dude I have the same question and came to check. I think it’s not out yet...

    Erastus Sebastian December 28, 2020 6:11 am

    It says that it's on hiatus so it has not come out yet the author is just taking a break from it

    Wheezer December 28, 2020 1:48 pm
    It says that it's on hiatus so it has not come out yet the author is just taking a break from it Erastus Sebastian

    Awww well I hope they come back soon. I really love this story.