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The stories weren't so good. I expected the sexy part to make up for it but I've read bet...

aerslevdi August 20, 2015 7:27 pm

The stories weren't so good. I expected the sexy part to make up for it but I've read better.
The first one was good. Then the second story the seme is just like abrebound. The story about the brothers didn't appealed to me. Why instead of going through all that trouble couldn't he confess. Did he just wanted to rape his brother in front of everyone?
The wolf one I liked it if not for the beginning when Akira was with the conbini guy. Afterwards every word he said to the partner he was supposed to love and whatever just felt like lies. I did like the one about that cat and the one about the chef was fine. It would have been better if in the end we see him becoming a real chef or something.
