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Hello, it's me with another unpopular opinion. If this did Jaehwan instead od Dongha, ever...

Gina December 15, 2020 9:22 pm

Hello, it's me with another unpopular opinion. If this did Jaehwan instead od Dongha, everyone would hate him, blame him and so on... But now Dongha did something reckless (I don't blame him much, don't worry) and so many people blame Jaehwan for: not come for him/not gave him the space he want. Come on guys! Dongha is not saint and is really troublesome. You just hate Jaehwan for everything... ╥﹏╥
And here Iam not have much hope anymore that something change in their relationship... I like them both, but I don't know now...
Anyway... Sunbae is HOT! Hope we will have SOON third pair (with the other "arm" guy ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~)
