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Personally, i'd run away. But i'm kinda hoping she refuses both of them. She's not really ...

rose August 17, 2015 5:00 pm

Personally, i'd run away.
But i'm kinda hoping she refuses both of them.
She's not really physically attracted to either guy and is just being tossed about by their feelings. She likes Tsubaki as a friend and the Pres, she admires for his hard work, but she is interested romantically in neither of them.
As a human being, with full autonomy and a sound working mind, she has the right to reject a romantic or physical relationship if she pleases.

    Trin August 18, 2015 3:01 am

    It's either that or choose Tsubaki because they have the foundation.

    Evilcleo August 18, 2015 4:36 am

    As much as I want her with tsubaki, if her feelings can't match his, she should just reject him.