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okay so i’m seeing a lot of people hating on this.. and i don’t know if i like it beca...

velvetkura December 15, 2020 6:07 am

okay so i’m seeing a lot of people hating on this.. and i don’t know if i like it because i’m stupid and can’t understand anything that has happened here... but i’m going to try to explain why i like it: first of all i really like cute helpless uke’s so i can see why taiki likes yukito.. i can understand the fact that it’s a bit weird that yukito was a bit charmed of the fact that taiki was using yukito as a replacement... like what? why are you liking that bitch uhhhh is it some sort of kink?? i’m not too sure about that... cause like for me if my sisters s/o came up to me and said hey i like your sister but i can’t kiss her rn can i kiss you like excuse me no????? first of all that’s cheating and second of all kind of disgusting you’re using me as her replacement.. anyways i’m trying to understand where all of y’all are coming from by using a little hypothetical example from my experiences ^^ little by little as i’m writing this currently i’m understanding why all of y’all don’t like this but i still like it! sure taiki might be a bit sadistic by toying with yukito’s emotions by using his twin and whatnot but i don’t really see a problem since yukito seems to be fine with it... (although the fact that he was smitten by that is a bit incestuous i can understand that lmfao) but taiki (as the tr said) OBVIOUSLY has a cuck fetish and let me explain to y’all why i think taiki did what he did.. one he wanted to toy with yukito i think that’s obvious he literally said it himself. two saying that he was using yukito as a replacement for his twin was also perhaps a way of dealing with the shock of being attracted to another male (as i’m sure you all know this isn’t considered normal in japan) and also yukito looks a lot like his sister so i don’t think it was that hard for him.. and three he was using it as an excuse to get closer to him and not just toying with him.. taiki might’ve been embarrassed by just outright saying that he liked yukito which is understandable so he used this excuse to get closer to him and then inevitably end up in a relationship.. but at the last chapter we saw the the guilt of lying to yukito this whole time ate at him so he ended up just confessing everything he had done up to that point. what confused me the most is (this might’ve been a translation error i’m not sure) the fact that yukito said he knew when in his past thought bubbles it was said that he was sad that taiki was using him as a temporary replacement for his sister but he was happy because he and taiki were finally in the kind of relationship that he had always wanted to be, even though it was a bit corrupted. also i just realized that they are “cousins” and for the sake of me not throwing up i’m pretty sure it was just a translation error and they are all just childhood friends because the other people seem to be okay with yukito’s sister (was natsume her name? i’m not quite sure.. so i’m going to be calling her yukito’s sister/twin lol) seemingly dating taiki and i’m sure in this day and age in japan dating ur cousin should not be socially acceptable and i’m like 99.99% sure this is not taking place when dating or marrying ur cousin was socially acceptable lmao.’so yeah. that’s my take on it. hopefully. HOPEFULLY. they really are just childhood friends and not blood related because if they are in throwing everything in lava T^T that’s it thanks for coming to my [checks how long this cursed paragraph is] ... rant? yeahhh... otherwise love the art uke is super cute rlly only here for him LMAO

    hellokittyfatcooter December 15, 2020 6:37 am

    i agree with what your saying i still feel off about taiki but its ok and they are cousins in some parts of japan its ok to marry your cousin and be intimate with them

    velvetkura December 16, 2020 12:47 am

    EXCUSE ME THATS DISGUSTING OKAY just for the sake of my well being i’m going to pretend they’re not related thanks

    hellokittyfatcooter December 16, 2020 2:01 am
    EXCUSE ME THATS DISGUSTING OKAY just for the sake of my well being i’m going to pretend they’re not related thanks velvetkura

    lol that’s what i’ve been doing cause i honestly can’t enjoy it if i didn’t

    velvetkura December 16, 2020 2:06 am

    exactly like please MOFFNFJFHFBFFN