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Forgot the name ! Help please

Gaurav August 15, 2015 1:32 am

It's a shoujo manga with girls fateh arranged a blind date with his friends son and want his daughter to meet him when they meet in a hotel each other boys saw the girl and grabbed her chest and said its so small then their parents want then to stay together in a room for one week while staying there they were having a bath together while playing game boy gets dizzy and faints girl runs outs to call for help with only towel and bpdygaurd sees her and has a nosebleed !!

    Anonymous August 15, 2015 1:45 am

    OMG!! I've also been looking for this manga for years! Someone please help! <3
    And I think it was that his parents owned awesome hotels so for one week they stayed in different genres(?) of rooms. I think she also climbs a tree towards the end in her dress.