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Brieeze December 13, 2020 5:55 am

Man Keith you asshole. I need ch 40.... I need the raws to update asap. I need to know what happens next I mean keith basically
Dragged Yeonwoo away by force and lowkey implied that if he escaped again, everyone involved with him would be in danger I mean wtf.... what is wrong with you why the fuck do you have to be such an asshole....HOW ABOUT YOU SAY HEY IM SORRY I LIKE YOU ?! EVER HEARD OF FUCKING COMMUNICATION YOU ARROGANT OVERBEARING CONTROLLING MOTHER FUCKER AAAAAAAAAAAARGH I WANT TO LIKE YOU DAMMIT and they still get their happy ending like wtf yeonwoo why the fuck would you stay with this guy.... I dont understand. This is not a good look for you keith. I'm so annoyed rn ugh
