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Lellel. Like I said, even how cute this chapter is there are still dumb people who'll see ...

KashiToono_endgame December 13, 2020 1:03 am

Lellel. Like I said, even how cute this chapter is there are still dumb people who'll see negativity and complain like a bunch of Karens going batshit in a Walmart.

First of all, this is the final chapter and if you're going off about them forgiving too fast, honey if we go on a realistic pace, we'll have five another chapters before their arc ends. Don't you know about this thing called 'timeskip'? Days have probably passed after Chowon apologized to Heesoo and if not, well atleast the idea is there-that Chowon is trying to make things right again and it's up to your own interpretation what happens next.

And really? How laughable that some people are looking for so much realism on a manhwa about dudes getting pregnant and all that. Second, you're not Fargo and you probably didn't even pay for this chapter. The pacing is her decision. Third, dont taint this chapter with so much shit. This should be remembered as Chowon and Kyungsoo getting back together and Hyesung and Byul cute moment (and quite possibly Byul having his first crush) so I suggest y'll just suck it up and stop being edgy, just enjoy whatever Fargo gave us. Happy holidays

    salem_the_slug December 13, 2020 1:16 am

    PREACH. (i love how you said Happy Holidays after all that ngl)

    taxianlu December 13, 2020 1:54 am

    this!! some ppl really can’t enjoy anything and just love spreading negativity.. this chapter was wholesome, we should appreciate it
    And happy holidays u too