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If I ever see Ando on the streets, best believe I’m swinging. First on all, let’s talk...

Anonymous December 13, 2020 12:09 am

If I ever see Ando on the streets, best believe I’m swinging. First on all, let’s talk about his nonexistent boundaries. Bruh back off, like he’s literally taken. I’ve seen this so many times, and I will never understand why people continue to actively pursue and purposely make the other party uncomfortable. Respect their relationship and leave them alone, clearly if they’re not dating you then get the hint that they don’t like you and stop bothering them. Also the way he’s pushing himself onto ike and telling him that the other guy’s gonna cheat on him in the future cause he’s not gay??? Like sir what’s wrong with u??:$:&&:& acting like a gay man can’t cheat on others too.
