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please answer

ushijima'sthickthighs December 12, 2020 9:37 am

Do you think killing stalking is a yaoi?

I wanted to say that it is not a yaoi AT ALL. like come one guys koogi has constantly told us that ks isn't a yaoi. YET PEOPLE KEEP SAYING IT IS. sangwoo is a psycho and used bum's obsession of him to manipulating him to stay with him. FOR JESUS CHRIST THE ONLY REASON WHY MOM LIVED BECAUSE HE LOOKED LIKE SANGWOO'S MOM...HIS MOMMMMM. yet people say sangwoo is "gay" HE'S STRAIGHT koogi said it themselves(i don't want to assume). SANGWOO ONLY HAD SEX WITH BUM BECAUSE HE WAS MANIPULATING HIM. And some say "WeLl LeZhIn SaYs It'S A YaOi or Bl". they only say that so it gets more views.
SO i ask you to please stop referring it to a yaoi or a bl or whatever because it is no where near that it's in the PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR GENRE. so please stop

Thanks for listening to my rant lmao

    Pavel_Fujo December 12, 2020 9:39 am

    I for one don’t think it’s a yaoi like you haven’t stated even the author said it wasn’t but people refuse to listen because they like to romantize the relationship (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    zrukio December 12, 2020 9:42 am

    no i really don’t see killing stalking as a yaoi nor do i see sangwoo and yoobum having any sort of romantic relationship ... and the people romanticising their relationship should really stop

    Iwantdick December 12, 2020 9:46 am

    Hard agree. Plus Sangwoo is straight-

    Mandonopoly December 12, 2020 12:27 pm
