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I foresee a happy ending where Akihito and Katsuragi lives happily ever after. Since the i...

fujo_leslie August 6, 2015 10:07 pm

I foresee a happy ending where Akihito and Katsuragi lives happily ever after. Since the illegitimate brother of Akihito's father is dying, he entrusted his son to Akihito. I think this son would be the future heir of Kuze, next to Akihito. Akihito can adopt him to be his heir. Therefore, Akihito would not need to marry! :3 And he can stay forever with Katsuragi. Hihi!~ <3

    unagi August 6, 2015 2:43 pm

    wow never thought of that possibility before,but yeah theres possibilities for that.Still we don't know how old the son is.for now all we can do is waiting i guess

    LevixEren August 19, 2015 2:25 pm

    You think the same way as me. This is the only change that Akihito can still be head of Kuze and still having next heir with Kuze blood related, which is his own cousin (son from a brother of akihito's father). Btw, Katsuragi actually is uncle to Akihito.