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laezy December 8, 2020 4:09 am

Lmao isnt xu song a fucking ingrate? Yu Wang helped you, feed you, help your cultivation, saved you yet you repayed her kindness by taking over as a principal of her school? How dare you, you thick faced bastard?! YOU BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU

    Mp332 December 9, 2020 8:08 am

    Yea for realll but I also got a theory what if that green haired girl that has that monster backing her up mind controlled the boy into doing all those things including breaking the girls heart

    Animestar411 January 26, 2021 10:09 am

    Wow u actually call her yu wang?
    Watch as her master changes her nationality later

    laezy January 26, 2021 10:31 am
    Yea for realll but I also got a theory what if that green haired girl that has that monster backing her up mind controlled the boy into doing all those things including breaking the girls heart Mp332

    I don't think so, because for a character to be labeled as a bug, she/he needs to not follow their original self. For example, that disciple of Yu Wang, her character strayed too far to her original self because of the smoke monster, same goes with Xu Song's girlfriend. If the monster is really behind Xu Song's trashy character, he'll be labeled as a bug because of mind control, since the smoke monster controls the mind of the character, that means the decision isn't made by them anymore but the monster.