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Damn, I love it! Lmao

elixirious December 7, 2020 8:57 am

I know some people find it twisted, but sometimes I’m just a sucker for twisted stories. Their relationship started out bad, toxic even, but not all relationships start out good like in romantic novels or fairy tales, this one was fucked up for sure as every three of the guys are fucked up, but the most is the friend, he is a coward manipulative person, if he truly liked the bottom, he should have asked him out instead of plotting such a fucked up scheme, the crazy guy (he’s hot though and he’s got a big d, fuck, he’s got abs too, shit, why is he hot trash?) was also fucked up for agreeing on the request even if it paid him well. The bottom, well he was using his “technique” to cure people, it’s indecent but nothing out of the line except for the committed ones, the boyfriends and husbands who came to him shouldn’t have but well, I guess they wanted help to cure the ED, so idk still they shouldn’t. So, the bottom then would be the least fucked up, and even if their relay started out toxic and twisted, I can see them longing last together because of how obsessive the top is and how submissive the bottom is. The bottom might not admit it but he likes to be tamed, and he wants that top to do it, if they both now consent to each other and love or care for each other, I would say everything is good then. At least they’re both happy. Why should we interfere?
