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TenshiJenishisu December 4, 2020 2:25 am

I love the development of the characters, but it would be better if he actually said sorry, things like non-con is really sad to see.. art is really good btw! I can see the efforts of the author and I love it so much, saving so that i could support the author uwu uwu

    lostikins December 6, 2020 10:21 am

    I think we're gettin' to that point. The first step to recovery and forgiveness is accepting there's something wrong and that you fucked up. He's gettin' to that level of acceptance and is starting to reflect on what he's done.

    It just seems a bit off 'cause on top of everything else this manga is very exaggerated and has a comedic yet very dark undertone. It's like Harada-lite lol We gettin' some dark shit but it's not at that point of trauma yet. We're gettin' development and (hopefully) legitimate self-reflection and remorse for wrongful actions.

    Tho I'm not usually one to complain about tropes lol I've read well over 4,000 titles at this point-- I'm pretty desensitized and can differentiate between fictional lewd content and what's socially acceptable irl.