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If I was still a young and naive teenage girl I might have liked this, but as a woman in h...

Anonymous December 4, 2020 1:16 am

If I was still a young and naive teenage girl I might have liked this, but as a woman in her twenties, this just raises red flags. It's normal for high-schoolers to have crushes on older people, or for a fan to crush on her idol, but it's not normal for an adult to indulge in that. I would not date a minor, because in my eyes, they are children, some more mature than others, but minors nonetheless.
I also have a problem with the fact that he asks her to marry him to prove his good intentions : she's a 17 old girl with no experience in dating and she's daydreaming a fantasy, she needs time before agreeing to a marriage, and I don't like the trope of " she marries the older guy right after high school, when she's still too young to properly evaluate everything's that's going on"
Why couldn't the author make her a university student at least? We need to stop normalizing older guys dating minors, because in real life, 99% of the guys who do that are creeps.

    Chibimaru December 7, 2020 6:16 pm

    Sorry i meant to dislike the comment

    Ptasheo December 7, 2020 8:34 pm

    No because how the fuck are people disagreeing with you? SHES SO YOUNG

    Apple December 7, 2020 11:31 pm

    I don't rlly find it that weird since both my mum and sister got married at 16... Or is my family just the weird ones

    xielian_inlove December 8, 2020 3:24 am

    I totally agree with you @anon. If she was in college, this story would have been perfect