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see if i was mc i would be royally pissed with my ex teammates

deadlock December 3, 2020 11:41 pm

i would report to the guild i have not directly received a single coin for all the information provided and that the other members of wolf fang sword had embezzled it, i would request all the money that was meant for me as it was mine to begin with and make it so the money would then be owed by the lying backstabbing ex team mates. so when they next stroll in to the guild they will be very surprised when they don't receive rewards for their last mission, and learn the fact they now owe lots of money instead.

    Kattz April 21, 2021 9:24 pm

    Honestly. I'm surprised that he just let them stealing 9 million from him go despite throwing that tantrum. I gotta drop this for that inconsistency, it's too lame.