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Translators, I love your work here and I reaaally thank you for that, but pls don’t over...

syyyyy December 3, 2020 9:22 pm

Translators, I love your work here and I reaaally thank you for that, but pls don’t over do it with the little notes next to the panels :/ I don’t mean this in any bad way, have a good day :)

    v05 December 4, 2020 12:07 am

    which notes would you like to see gone ? because most of them are for clarification, and if we put all of the notes at the bottom (after the chapter ends) we feel like continuous understanding of different dialogue will be compromised.

    because of the notes that we add, we try to keep our personal comments to a minimum:))

    since a lot of people have also privately messaged me in panic seeing your comment, i think i might tell my sister to keep them in just because so many people have personally requested that i leave in the comments as is. :)

    please let me know how you feel:)) you have a wonderful night !! take care !

    v05 December 4, 2020 12:09 am

    i hope this doesn't come off as offensive or hurtful !! please let me know how you feel !!!

    samkai December 4, 2020 12:15 am
    i hope this doesn't come off as offensive or hurtful !! please let me know how you feel !!! v05

    hi translator and uploader! i just wanna say thank you so much for your hard working and please dont forget to take a rest!

    v05 December 4, 2020 12:16 am
    hi translator and uploader! i just wanna say thank you so much for your hard working and please dont forget to take a rest! samkai

    hi love:'))
    thank you for the care !

    you too, please stay warm and healthy:)

    syyyyy December 4, 2020 8:22 am
    which notes would you like to see gone ? because most of them are for clarification, and if we put all of the notes at the bottom (after the chapter ends) we feel like continuous understanding of different dial... v05

    It’s not that I don’t like the clarification comment, I just feel like that there is too many of them during the chapter. But of people like them that much weeell :D

    syyyyy December 4, 2020 8:24 am
    i hope this doesn't come off as offensive or hurtful !! please let me know how you feel !!! v05

    Oh no don’t worry it didn’t at all ! It came to me as very polite ! :D
    Have a good day :)

    v05 December 4, 2020 1:42 pm
    It’s not that I don’t like the clarification comment, I just feel like that there is too many of them during the chapter. But of people like them that much weeell :D syyyyy

    thank you for being so understanding:') you are so sweet

    GOD December 4, 2020 4:19 pm
    thank you for being so understanding:') you are so sweet v05

    i love you ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ ya thats it just wanted to say that

    syyyyy December 4, 2020 6:06 pm
    thank you for being so understanding:') you are so sweet v05

    Well I’m reading this for free thanks to your work so I won’t complain If people like them uh :D

    v05 December 4, 2020 6:58 pm
    i love you ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ ya thats it just wanted to say that GOD

    asdfgh you !!!! made me smile so much just now:_)