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Hear me out

Taurus December 3, 2020 6:03 pm

I dont think what chowon did was right by all mean and that mental health should be an excuse but if he does right these people and apologizes properly and realizes he should let go of dojun, i might just give him a chance. Plus, i love kyungsoo ! He's been a great friend to hyesung. So i'd love for him to have agood love life. And i commend him for not tolerating chowon's actions. I still hope for this couple to end up together bc despite what they went through, they deserve to be happy

    Iamyourfan December 3, 2020 6:54 pm

    Im sorry but i just cannot wish them to be together and im a little mad at kyungsoo.
    U like him when he is pretty and beautiful and then leave him when u find smthg bad about him... Is that love? Or u just like his looks? In my opinion, at the very least kyungsoo should hear him out and give some advise or stmg like that... But he just ditch him like that
    Please correct me if im wrong.

    Im sorry.... My heart really weak for someone with mental illness... But i will still wait for the author
    Sorry for my bad english

    YamiLawliet December 3, 2020 7:34 pm
    Im sorry but i just cannot wish them to be together and im a little mad at kyungsoo.U like him when he is pretty and beautiful and then leave him when u find smthg bad about him... Is that love? Or u just like ... Iamyourfan

    Imagine your CLOSE FRIEND tells you that someone you just started to know has tried to have someone else raped because of their ex, so you confront them about it and they seem to not feel sorry at all and are, in fact, still hoping to get back with the ex no matter what therefore making you a temporary replacement.
    Getting away from that person is completely understandable and what most people would do. Even more so when they aren't in love, come on, they recently met each other.
    Tolerating that behavior only leads to bad things for yourself, you matter too and I hope you come to realize that. You deserve so much better than someone who will destroy your mental health.

    Iamyourfan December 3, 2020 8:38 pm
    Imagine your CLOSE FRIEND tells you that someone you just started to know has tried to have someone else raped because of their ex, so you confront them about it and they seem to not feel sorry at all and are, ... YamiLawliet

    Ahhhh i forgot the part when chowon claim that his ex will be his forever.... Okay now i understand why kyungsoo did that... I dont really care about that part then bcs i read smwhere in the comment said that chowon just feeling ego when he said that but the truth is that he confuse with his feeling i guess... Chowon is just pitiful and the fact that hes neglected by his husband makes me want to stand for him so bad that im being blinded... hehehe... Im sorry and thank you for your answer... You make my heart calm a little ever since i read the latest chapter(≧∀≦)