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ch.9 was annoying when her ex was introduced and he was like "hes ur first man" like so wh...

otakuness November 29, 2020 3:21 am

ch.9 was annoying when her ex was introduced and he was like "hes ur first man" like so what? i doubt u saved ur virginity and instead chose to do it with someone u didnt love (cause hes been in love with her for years) compared to her who did it with someone she loved.

and then he talks about consent to the ex when he was practically forcing himself on her

and he doesnt even let her finish talking and just jumps to conclusions about her cheating. like yall arent married nor are u dating (at least before ch.14 they werent officially a couple). after that they introduce the new rich guy, he assumed she was cheating (when she wasnt and he jumped to conclusions himself)

    snoopy November 29, 2020 12:18 pm

    ikrrrr, he has zero rights to say that ughh. him accepting another girl just because he didn't feel like FL would accept him only shows how shallow his feelings are.he should've at least try harder if he really loves her.