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People that hate on yuno are dumb or don’t know how to read, their arguments are so inva...

Anonymous November 28, 2020 7:02 pm

People that hate on yuno are dumb or don’t know how to read, their arguments are so invalid. Like he doesn’t care about anyone but himself, but not only in the manga but in the anime he shows how much he loves and cares for his comrades, also he shows that he doesn’t know that he’s “rude”, is just his personality, he doesn’t act cold to be rude, y’all salty, and hate characters for not being clichê and in the way that you’ll want them to be. I rather see a character with a lot of flaws so he can develop into a better person, than being just perfect.

    hotaru987 November 28, 2020 10:07 pm

    thank you

    malkiv November 29, 2020 6:46 am

    If he's rude Asta's rude too because they treat everyone the same way. They are literally two sides of the same coin.

    Riaaa November 29, 2020 8:54 am
    If he's rude Asta's rude too because they treat everyone the same way. They are literally two sides of the same coin. malkiv

    Lol he sometimes gets arrogant but he really is grateful for his comrades but the thing is ASTA DOESN'T GET THE RECOGNITION HE DESERVES ESPECIALLY IN THE ELF ARK IZZZ ALWAYS YUNO SIDKWIAI oh im not tryna be rude or anything izz just asta did a lot of things for the clover kingdom and its mostly yuno who's getting rewarded so yeh lmao

    hotaru987 November 30, 2020 11:10 am
    If he's rude Asta's rude too because they treat everyone the same way. They are literally two sides of the same coin. malkiv

    (OMG it's soooo long!! I'm so sorry!! TT_TT)

    I agree. The other argument people give is like "oh Yuno stole his dream" like...Do you know how many people want to be wizard king? In that case Asta stole Nozel's dream. And William's dream. And Feoguelon's (lol I butchered his name) dream. Sure his reasons for wanting to be wizard king isn't the same but, wanting to be wizard king is not a dime a dozen dream. But ok for arguments sake lets say Yuno only wanted to be WK only because Asta wanted to be. False! Yuno was a crybaby as a child, and when Asta got his necklace back he admired the boy. He saw that his dream of being WK was what gave him strength and Yuno wanted to be like that. Like the person he looked up too. Most people try to copy and emulate people they admired. And maybe at first that's what it was but whos to say he doesn't have his own reasons for wanting to be WK? We're always with Asta so we wouldn't know. Then he suddenly he never cried again after that day? You don't just do that. You learn to hide and suppress your emotions in order to be the person you think you should be to be the hero. Maybe he picks on Asta, but they are brothers! What siblings don't tease each other. They uplift each other always challenging each other saying and trying to one up each other. One thing Yuno has never done was not believe in Asta. He was the only one who didn't believe for a second that Asta wouldn't get a grimoire. When they fought the elves he saw that Asta's anti-magic abilities would be what saves them and even said 'if I can open a path for HIM' (that debunks the whole arrogant defense) maybe he was a but socially inept when it came to Mimosa and Klause but even after becoming Vice-captain he still call Klaus sempai....I could go on, on other things but this is long enough already. Sry just needed to vent for my baby Yuno. Lastly Yuno is a breath of fresh air in such a loud cast of characters. Like Asta is always on 200, and that's nice and all but damn breath for a bit lol.

    malkiv November 30, 2020 8:29 pm
    (OMG it's soooo long!! I'm so sorry!! TT_TT)I agree. The other argument people give is like "oh Yuno stole his dream" like...Do you know how many people want to be wizard king? In that case Asta stole Nozel's d... hotaru987

    Thank you for furthering my point. I still don't get why do many hate on our boy Yuno. He get so little screen time that we know so little about his life. We know everything about Asta and his struggles. We never see the struggles of Yuno and the discrimination he went through when he entered The Golden Dawn. He was the only commoner in the squad. Where as Asta was welcome and became family with The Black Bulls. Yuno had to constantly prove his worth to his squad. Asta was publicly discriminated, but Yuno had to live with those that discriminated against him. The only one that was with Yuno before the dungeon when Klaus and Mimossa(that's probably spelled wrong) came to accept him, was William. He had to earn his squad respect. We don't know how he trained but we know that he did strength exercises along with his magic exercises. That's all we know for sure.