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Rereading this because damn it I really love this story. The thing with soulmate stories i...

naacha November 27, 2020 3:23 pm

Rereading this because damn it I really love this story. The thing with soulmate stories is that while it is a cute concept the realistic and logical part of me hates the thought of someone being destined to be mine. Like where's the fun in that? I don't like the thought of who i end up falling for being someone elses idea. That's why i like stories like this where they have to fight destiny to be together. There's just something so beautiful ate a couple saying fuck you to fate and falling in love of their own accord. It hurt so much reading this bec I get where Kaoru is coming from. He is such a selfless baby who just wants to do everything for the man he loves but what's great about this is that Hara loves him the same way. I love how Hara never wavered even after he figured out that his red string was attached. I definitely loved seeing how even though fate tried to play cupid for him and that girl, he never, not even once thought of her in a romantic way. And the ring (/TДT)/ the fucking ring got me bawling my eyes out. Like damn it all I knew he loves Kaoru so much but fuuucckkk the rings really just blew any doubts you could have for the guy Kaoru legit oens his heart
