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Eight November 25, 2020 9:54 pm

I think Mo Guan Shan doesn't fear that He Tian will do anything... I think he's scared that he'll pop a boner in front of He Tian-

Cause remember him dreaming about He Tian and waking up and literally checking if he actually came in his pants and then being so relieved that he didn't? ( ̄∇ ̄")

I think it's pretty clear to him that He Tian wants to protect him and just get closer to him at this point......

So yeah I really think that he's scared to face his feelings more than anything

    Sofia Rose November 26, 2020 2:22 am


    Eight November 26, 2020 3:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! gosuchii

    Lmao same, I've been reading this I think ever since 2015/16 :'D I think that it helps that we had time to process each chapter and had to wait for another update, the problem now is that these new readers probably read it all in one sitting so... there's little that sticks to your brain.
    I remember how He Tian was highkey attracted to Jian Yi at first and only got involved with Mo Guan Shan TO protect Jian Yi- He tian was always a big aggressive gay-

    I remember Jian Yi suffering and secretly holding Zhang's hand while he slept...

    How ugly Mo was cause he was a bully but now that he's a main he's cute lmao

    But yeah, nothing changed that drastically about the boys, new readers have a problem with nuances tho, not only in this fandom, hoes be missing details cause they swallow the plot without chewing first ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭