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Pisses me off. Just a normal average girl having 3 hot guys around and all 3 of them want ...

Nightj November 25, 2020 11:40 am

Pisses me off.
Just a normal average girl having 3 hot guys around and all 3 of them want her ?? No way in hell lol
I'm against sensei (for her, but she can leave him for me)
Also I saw that comment in many mangas "you get to see high school girls" like wth? They're still kids why does a teacher look at them that way disgusting.
I'm dropping this. Fuckin hell

    Pip March 2, 2021 2:19 am

    So what if she's normal, they fell for her and that's that, she was the only one who noticed how he was uncomfortable, when he was all alone being anxious, when he was still new and inexperienced and even tho she probably doesn't know it, she was the one who helped them all and also that douche was just joking (this is just me ranting, what I'm saying is why does it matter if she's average or not)