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ugh. not yall forgiving jihyun in the comments. i like the parallel universe idea tho. but...

hex November 25, 2020 11:11 am

ugh. not yall forgiving jihyun in the comments. i like the parallel universe idea tho. but im really happy that kyujin and chiwoo got their happy ending(๑•ㅂ•)و✧. as for jihyun.... lol sucks to be him ensnjsndjdmxf. yall have no idea how much i hate him

    Hisokas Slut November 27, 2020 6:51 am

    Ikr i hate him too...

    青葉♡ November 27, 2020 11:47 am

    Those who are willing to change deserves forgiveness. c: We can't be the judge of if someone is worthy of forgiveness or not. He seemed like he was willing to change.

    Diphylleia November 27, 2020 11:23 pm
    Those who are willing to change deserves forgiveness. c: We can't be the judge of if someone is worthy of forgiveness or not. He seemed like he was willing to change. 青葉♡

    No I disagree oh god I fucking disagree so badly, if all he did was just some fights that’s one thing but it’s a WHOLE NEW thing with rape, he doesn’t deserve forgiveness for that. Don’t be a rape apologist. Even if he changed, what he did was fucking wrong.

    Hisokas Slut November 29, 2020 4:13 pm

    Forgiveness yes but Chanwoo wasn't dumb enough to fuckkng go back with him. That Is fucked up.

    mayihaveacrumbofserotonin December 30, 2020 7:10 am