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Completely Translated

xElsax July 10, 2015 12:53 pm

Hello everyone! We at Friendship Scans' proud to announce that we have completely translated this project. Just a couple of chapters left to edit. Thank you all for the patience and support.

    angel August 21, 2015 9:19 am

    Thanks to everyone for the hard work and effort that they put in this story please if you guys could
    Complete all of they stories that will be great . We love all of the great work that you guys have done and it is nice of you to want to share this wonderful stories with us . Please tell us when will you all be able to complete all of this lovely stories ? Or give us more detail please please . My thanks go to everyone who has work really hard on this stories . I know that it take a lot of work and times to complete or update it thanks for that xoxo

    b August 30, 2015 4:14 am

    Wow really. Thanks for the hard work. I've been waiting for this one. (☆▽☆)