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AJ-Chan July 10, 2015 2:18 am


    trinityanne January 4, 2020 12:19 pm

    think about it some people do hold onto feelings for people for a very long time in fact my own daughter knew her fiance since she was just a toddler and has had feelings for her since then and then a few years ago she confessed and now they have their own house their own company and are planning on getting married and my soon to be daughter in law told me when my daughter asked her out ABOUT FUCKING TIME YOU ASKED ME OUT DAMNED IT but then again my daughter takes after her mom her sister on my side was the one who straight up told her wife we should hook up to which my daughter in law said huh wtf are you talking about to which my daughter kissed her and said playfully now your mine bitch and sadly that is how my second daughter hooked her wife and my first daughter who came out to me i ended up outing but the way in which i did so wound up being a great memory for my daughter . first off she moved back to japan to go to university because her grandfather was paying and she ended up being late for an entrance exam or some kind of meeting at the uni she wanted to get into and her now wife was late as well so instead of doing the exam they went to a bar had a couple and then decided to get a room together and go to the next place the next day a few months pass and we are on a net call and her now wife walks in and rubs her hand across my daughters should down onto her breast and then across her neck and walked out of screen and having noticed that i said to my daughter so how does her pussy taste to which my daughter turned brighter red than i have ever seen a mainly Japanese person ever get lol