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The last chapter is fine with me.

PAPI CHULO December 20, 2020 7:25 pm

I read a lot of comments of people saying “that not how trans people act” and truthfully i believe that Mimi never wanted to change their gender. I don’t think they was suffering from gender dysphoria. If they really wanted to be a female because they felt like they was in the wrong body then they would have went through with the operation because that what they really wanted. I believe that they wanted to be a female because they think that guys would want them more if they was a woman. Truthfully what happened in the last chapter is very normal. People tend to think rashly and make decisions that can effect their life only to regret it later on. I remember watching a YT video on a girl who was suing a doctor because she didn’t want to be a guy anymore and was blaming the doctor for the choices SHE made. Mimi can be whatever they wants as long as they’re happy with the choices they make. It not our place to judge just because Mimi chose not to get the operation because they was in love. Mimi still have the chance to get the surgery if they wants to and Mimi can still continue cross dressing if that what they want. I don’t believe the last chapter wasnt trying to put trans people down or say something about trans not knowing what they want to be. This really shows how a lot of cross dresser are fine with being the gender they’re they just like wearing the “opposite sex” clothing. And some trans people do regret getting a sex change. I believe the moral of the story is simply to really think long and hard before you do something that will affect your life. It can be anything as long as you’re happy with the choices you make then that all that matters.

Just so you understand i am not saying all trans people are like that cause that is definitely not true! But some people who do change gender regrets their decision. Thankfully there are doctors who gives information about transitioning so that way people really understand what they’re doing and will happily become the gender they want to be without any regrets.

Overall I truthfully didn’t like the last story not because of the trans thing but it just wasn’t my cup of tea. But i am happy that Mimi is happy being whatever gender they’re with no regrets and if mimi ever wanted to become female they can or they can just continue cross dressing if they don’t want to get a sex change. Whatever makes them happy.

    MR. BORED December 20, 2020 2:09 pm

    Y'all listen to them they're stating facts

    something January 24, 2021 12:04 am

    exactly! it’s important to spread the fact that there’s not a right way of being trans!

    Natsu January 24, 2021 12:37 am
    exactly! it’s important to spread the fact that there’s not a right way of being trans! something

    Fr! People claim that what Mimi did is not how trans peole act but is there really a right or wrong way with being trans? That like saying if a straight male likes wearing “girly” clothes and painting their nails then their not straight since “that not how a straight male acts” people really need to quit believing stereotypes and thinking that if a person doesn’t act a certain way then their not trans, straight, gay, or lesbian.

    something January 24, 2021 12:54 am
    Fr! People claim that what Mimi did is not how trans peole act but is there really a right or wrong way with being trans? That like saying if a straight male likes wearing “girly” clothes and painting their... Natsu

    exactly! people make labels so that they can identify themselves and what they experience, and that’s great, but that doesn’t imply making the rules for every individual! it’s so nice to find someone else that thinks the same~

    Natsu January 24, 2021 1:24 am
    exactly! people make labels so that they can identify themselves and what they experience, and that’s great, but that doesn’t imply making the rules for every individual! it’s so nice to find someone else... something

    I agree! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    sengie March 2, 2021 3:14 am
