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Interesting concept to read. It is about a guy who accidently became mage in the virtual ...

Aquaberry November 24, 2020 4:24 am

Interesting concept to read. It is about a guy who accidently became mage in the virtual reality game. Kinda like SAO concept, but laid back, players don't die in real life, and no harems (thank god, I hate those stories). Using his real life Kung Fu skills, he became known as the weird OP combat mage that uses sword to attack, instead of a wand. Join him on his adventure in the virtual reality. All the side characters have their unique personality and the story doesn't leave them out as it progressed. It has comedy (killing spree of "no smile" made me lol so much) and the nostalgic of playing mmorpg games. Some of the skills/how the game works doesn't line up with logic (even though they tried to explain it) , but whatever, still a fun read.
