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I was reading the comments below and I don't personally hate the main character at all . b...

Anonymous July 7, 2015 3:32 am

I was reading the comments below and I don't personally hate the main character at all . but I do think there is a problem with her overall character outline. She hasn't had a real emotional moment since the end of the first chapter. I mean come on your family and friends are ether using you, playing you, and then smile at you while doing it. so GET MAD!(/TДT)/ SLAP SOMEONE ANYONE !!

As for the manager, you kinda know his going to just see her as just a job but his going to run around in circles with his feeling for her. Its cliche but Iv seen it done better in other manga. sorry guys

    Senpai July 7, 2015 10:28 am

    Me either..I don't hate her. The last chapter explained why the main character is like she is..I get it she has been verbally abused by her mom since she was little...she caught her mom having sex with her frist love...and her mom just hates the girls existence...her mom is going to definitely cause her more trouble / problems.

    I am really wondering if her dad is ever going to come into the picture..Since he really loved his daughter.

    ren September 12, 2015 5:58 am

    She is so annoying going after Q-ta after she decides to become a famous actor. Girls like her annoy me.she needs to follow through with her responsibilities