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here's my opinion so far

yosoki November 20, 2020 5:01 pm

I like the story so far from the politics to mental issues. However , there are things that makes me wanna drop this :
1- Richard's greed for the crown is confusing? He wants the crown to feel the light of his father then he wants it because he craves blood but when he'll finally be crowned and finds his father's light ,and the blood then will stop. will he find happiness ? and most importantly will he become a great king as he deems himself to be ? All I see rn is a child craving for his father's warmth and vengeance but there are no king values in him . He doesn't know how ppl in england are suffering . How the ppl are suffering from having two powerhouses in their country making them shed blood for the smallest things.
2- I can barely see character development in him besides him finally accepting that he is intersex. He is always being led by someone first his father then brother the wradnick o idk and now the duke. He stills lacks the independancy of thought which makes it easy for him to be manipulated.
Maybe i'm just dumb and didn't understand the story but i really hate it when good plots don't have character development ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    lexa November 21, 2020 11:44 pm

    Omg please don't drop this lol I personally think this is a really good manga and I love it. I love plot, the characters, and even the artwork too. I think what you said was fair criticism, nothing too harsh or unreasonable but if I can help you change your mind about dropping this just hear me out. I'll try not to make this too long, okay so I see where you're coming from when you say 'there are no king values in him' now I mostly disagree with this because for the majority of the story he has achieved his goal of becoming king. First he killed his enemy, Henry IV, he let his older brother Edward(who was the current king) die of sickness, then he let George(who would have been next in succession in line to throne) be murdered. Now I can keep pointing out things about Richard that would def make fit to be king or in other words 'have king values' but there is ONE thing that would be an issue if he were to be king, and that is him being intersex because a king can not be both male AND female. Now I do agree with what you said about him always being led by someone, this is true buuuut I don't think that it's entirely true. Take for example his relationship with Buckingham, yes Buckingham was kinda pushy towards Richard in the beginning but Richard slowly opened up to him because Buckingham was the only one who accepted his body for what is was and loved him for it, and also he swore to Richard that he was his kingmaker and if you pay attention to Richard's perspective of their relationship, it's pretty clear that he loves Buckingham too, it's not just one sided. I'm only bringing this up because of what you said about him lacking the independency of thought so therefore he can easily be manipulated. I see what you mean by this and do kinda agree with you. However for majority of the story everything that Richard has done or every decision that was made by him was his own doing, yeah there might have been some persuasion involved but I don't think it's him being manipulated per say but again I do see you're argument there. About his character development now I do think he has some ways to go, or you know prove himself if he really wants to be king because that is his main goal however now that's he pregnant he's gonna have to decide what to do with the baby and what consequences that will have later on. It's a lot to dwell into but omg I gotta stop here becasue I've think I've gone on waaaaay too long lol sorry I did not mean to write so much >.< I was trying to explain my thoughts and try to help you better understand some things. Sorry if I didn't and anything I said didn't make sense. Btw you're not dumb lol sometimes we just see things differently and if you're still not convinced and what to drop this that's fine, everybody has different opinions on what they think is good or bad and at the end if the day this is just a work of fiction, so if you don't like it and think it's bad, it's cool I respect your opinion! okay I'm done lol (●'◡'●)ノ

    yosoki November 22, 2020 11:04 am
    Omg please don't drop this lol I personally think this is a really good manga and I love it. I love plot, the characters, and even the artwork too. I think what you said was fair criticism, nothing too harsh or... lexa

    Now that I've seen the new updates my questions are answered and of course you are right a king has to eliminate any threat which were Richard's decisions and also the play that he pulled off with the duke is wonderful and for him to be the mastermind of it just proves how scheming he could be as a king . I just want him now to solve things with Anne because if she finds out that Richard is an intersex by him being pregnant i think she would change sides.

    lexa November 22, 2020 4:03 pm
    Now that I've seen the new updates my questions are answered and of course you are right a king has to eliminate any threat which were Richard's decisions and also the play that he pulled off with the duke is w... yosoki

    Yeah so about Anne, idk how Richard will fix things with her or if he even will? I think she knows or at least has some suspicion about him being a intersex because remember that when she was still married to Edward, he told her that Richard was a woman and that he would never love her. Up until this point in the story they have never slept together even though they're king and queen. Also in chapter 58 she saw Richard and Buckingham come out of Buckingham's room together soooo that just adds more fuel to the fire. Oh and also in the next chapter she made him dress up as the queen soooo yeah I think she knows but if she were to find out he's pregnant I don't think she would change sides because up until this point she has stuck by him even with her suspicions but I could be wrong, hope I'm not though because I do like Anne and I think she does love him so it would suck to her change sides and abandon him. However now that Richard's pregnant I think Anne is gonna be the least of his concerns right now because first he's gonna have to decide what to do with baby because keep in mind his ultimate goal is to become king and he has achieved this BUT a king can not be pregnant soooo he's gonna have to choose between the two. And also there's Buckingham, like it's his child lol so if Richard gets rid of it, that's gonna be a huuuge issue and seeing from the latest raws this is where it's heading so ugh idk I feel sorry for everyone, even Anne lol

    lexa November 22, 2020 9:13 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ay Margo

    I see what you mean *yes, you're remembering correctly*
    What will most likely happen is Richard will choose the crown over his child, I mean with how the plot is unfolding that's what it's looking like. But hey I could be wrong maybe sensei will have Richard choose his child over the crown and him and Buckingham can live happily ever after, who knows lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭