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key November 20, 2020 4:56 pm

just need some fluffy bl with vampires, thanks
and also can someone help whenever I'm reading a manga and I click on the page (like the photo) it skips the next page and goes to the page after the next page like for ex.: page 1 to page 3 and I rlly need help I'm on mobile btw if that helps a lil bit

    marie November 20, 2020 5:05 pm

    i don't know a lot of fluffy bl stories with vampires but i really like "sweet man". "bottomless swamp" is another bl about vampires but tbh it was only good for the first half of the novel for me :<. OH and another is "i'm yours, blood & soul", this was really cute imo too! as for your problem, i'm not completely sure how to help :((. i had that problem before this but it sort of disappeared after a while so i'm not sure what to say ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Levi’sUndercut November 20, 2020 5:11 pm

    You should read Raising a Bat it’s still one of my favourites

    marie November 20, 2020 5:17 pm

    OH i also completely forgot about "blood link". it has an addition of lycans & stuff if you're okay with it. and another is "blood bank" which has a heavy plot if you're into that. OH AND "k's secret", super cute but goes plot heavy towards the end but still really good! and just a heads up, "i'm yours, blood & soul", "blood link" & "k's secret" have some smut, "sweet man" and "blood bank" has some smut as well but not a heavy one and lastly "bottomless swamp" is considered completely shounen-ai to me! have fun reading! <3