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i'm glad she got cockbloked lol no romance bruh 😂😂

Tipsy Spirit November 20, 2020 8:44 am

i'm glad she got cockbloked lol
no romance bruh

    Didn’tHaveToCutMeOff November 20, 2020 2:08 pm

    Really? A girl’s gunna get cockblocked? So no romance? I’m really glad I like spoilers hahahahahahahhahah yes DIE YOU SWINES since wOmen are just ShITASTROPhies added in ANYTHING ACTION, cause I mean, Tis an action? So what purpose does a subplot romance AND girlz fulfill? A restriction for MCs? Or a pig dragged just to have babies with MC? And sometimes(no, actually maybe all the time, barely sometimes) authors make them powerful so they can be “respected”, my ass or powerful enough to be on Mc’s level and for their offsprings to be strong, my ass. Really now, It’s ACTION how is romance gonna help or even add anything. They’re just stupid waste hahahahah.

    Okay thank you for reading my silly emotionally anger-driven rant.(ă„ïżŁ ÂłïżŁ)い