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Ehhh I don't understand, isn't there something missing?

Asamixtakaba June 29, 2015 6:05 am

Ehhh I don't understand, isn't there something missing?

    mimi_love July 6, 2015 12:47 am

    i thought so too I was like huh something must be missing.

    TolerableTrash December 21, 2015 12:51 am

    There's a few more pages to it in Mizuiro to Pinku, Mizuruiro to Pinmu, Sore kara daidai. I think it's around page 130

    Anonymous July 18, 2016 3:15 pm
    There's a few more pages to it in Mizuiro to Pinku, Mizuruiro to Pinmu, Sore kara daidai. I think it's around page 130 TolerableTrash

    Annoying option is annoying....sry accidentally clicked it#-.-)

    TolerableTrash July 19, 2016 2:55 am
    Annoying option is annoying....sry accidentally clicked it#-.-) @Anonymous

    It's okay, lmao it happens