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prediction of the net chapter

bobablossom November 18, 2020 8:37 am

i feel like the next chapter is going to go one of two ways;

the guy with the glasses is ofc going to gain interest in tsugumi and tsugumi's gonna get confused cuz hes not emotionaly intelligent but that'll only happen if tsugumi gets swayed by glasses man which i doubt will happen but if it does then it'll cause drama.........or the boy with the glasses is gonna stick around tsugumi and then he's going to try to make a move and him and megumi sees it and misinterprets it because he walks away too soon but tsugumi is actually gonna beat up glasses guy
also i don't think the daddy gon accept the relationship so megumis gonna be angry and storm off after arguing with his dad and he's walking around trying to cool off and that's when he's gonna see tsugumi and the glasses guy
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
