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Unpopular Opinion!

Misty November 18, 2020 6:30 am

Hentai with rape, incest, shota, etc are ok for people to enjoy if they have that preference and people should learn to differentiate fiction from reality and if it’s not to their preference, stay away from it instead of trying to start arguments with others

    Misty November 18, 2020 7:01 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! digbick69

    This is true but in my opinion things like hentai/porn are for arousal and those genres tend to excite people because they’re seen as wrong in society’s eyes. It’s kinda like how guys tend to like rape hentai, but just because they like it doesn’t mean they’re going to act upon it

    krayzy November 18, 2020 7:14 am
    This is true but in my opinion things like hentai/porn are for arousal and those genres tend to excite people because they’re seen as wrong in society’s eyes. It’s kinda like how guys tend to like rape he... Misty

    I kinda agree with digbick. also some people can be influenced by what happens in a hentai ig, like the lines saying that "if they're wet, they're want it." it's gross how some people genuinely believe that,, and honestly I do see people trying to normalize using the influence of stories.. imo

    Misty November 18, 2020 7:24 am
    I kinda agree with digbick. also some people can be influenced by what happens in a hentai ig, like the lines saying that "if they're wet, they're want it." it's gross how some people genuinely believe that,, a... krayzy

    Yeah I see what u two are saying and it’s weird that some people tend to take what they see, act upon it and use it, but I’m more so speaking for the those who just enjoy the thrill of it. This is a bad example but you know when someone tells u ur not supposed to do something and then u do it? This that kinda excited feeling that I’m talking about. I mean it’s porn and it’s fiction so it’s understandable that people want to feel that thrill. However for those that act upon these fantasies give the people that just sit there and enjoy it a bad name.

    Misty November 18, 2020 7:24 am

    Btw thanks for talking about this with me I enjoy the different opinions

    PearlySkies November 18, 2020 7:29 am

    I agree with you on non con hentai. It’s made for people who experience rape fanstasies, which are actually more popular in women than in men. It’s quite a common fetish of sorts and is perfectly healthy and normal. Of course no one actually wants to get raped, but it kinda ties in with people who do s & m. No one really wants to get hurt, but under a controlled environment it’s ok. And that’s exactly what fiction is.

    Cherryboi November 18, 2020 9:58 am

    Yeah I'm like okay with reading anything like ANYTHING.I read loli/shota/rape/gore/fluff/beastiality...But I'm on both sides I think there are some crazy bastards who believe it's real when they read rape or anything and there are some fuckers who fantasize things in manga and thats sick as fuck. At the same time I think most of the people doesn't read it feeling like that. It's like horror or gore movies I enjoyed psychological fuck it's giving me but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go and stab people like crazy.But I sometimes think does people who write that kinda thing is it from their fantasies.
    Well humanity is rotten that's the only answer I can give.

    krayzy November 18, 2020 12:50 pm
    Yeah I see what u two are saying and it’s weird that some people tend to take what they see, act upon it and use it, but I’m more so speaking for the those who just enjoy the thrill of it. This is a bad exa... Misty

    ohh ye I see what you mean