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suwonii November 14, 2020 10:45 pm


ok so seonghyun meets up w blondie after and confirms its not him. seonghyun then meets up brown haired dude (the chef) and finds out that the brown haired dude woke up naked that night w obvious signs of sleeping w someone but doesnt know who. so seonghyun confesses that hes pregnant and brown haired dude is like "WE HAVE TO HAVE THIS CHILD" he was offputtingly adamant ab it.
anyways, as it turns out, the one who brown haired boy slept w that night turns out not to be seonghyun but blondie!!!
(PSA: blondie is absolute kinky sadist)
brownie and blondie both know this but brownie keeps it to himself and doesn't tell seonghyun. so seonghyun thinks brownie is the father and keeps meeting up w him but its not him.
on another note (i'm not 100% sure ab this) but i think grey hair likes seonghyun. grey hair keeps trying to meet with him although seonghyun adamantly refuses him.
there actually isn't that much screen time for the black haired dude but im 90% sure he is the father.
the reason being after some flashbacks to the past what happened was the grey hair took seonghyun somewhere after he passed out. but before grey haired boy could do anything, black haired boy and seonghyun end up fucking.

i think theres a lot more to unpack concerning their past in high school but there aren't that many chapters out for season 2 yet. season 2 is where the entire past gets told i think
some shit WENT DOWN

    YaoiZONE November 14, 2020 10:55 pm


    YaoiZONE November 14, 2020 11:23 pm
    Raw!!! YaoiZONE


    misaki08 November 15, 2020 12:39 am

    In the flashback after he had sex with the black haired, then Grey hair came back and he kinda got into the bed with him while kissing + a the open legs sex is gonna go down pose.

    Yeah I know they didn't put the exact sex scene there... But the nex shot its the shirtless Grey hair smoking in the bed with MC sleeping naked. Then he goes and black hair comes back to lie in bed with Seonghyun. My question, did Seonghyun have sex with black hair first and then Grey hair the very same night ? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    While that confuses me a little bit, I still bet it's the black hair dude who's gonna be a daddy

    canela November 15, 2020 4:20 am
    In the flashback after he had sex with the black haired, then Grey hair came back and he kinda got into the bed with him while kissing + a the open legs sex is gonna go down pose.Yeah I know they didn't put the... misaki08
