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Im so happy that there's some people who pinpoint that the seme didn't even rebut about ho...

Ervie November 13, 2020 12:14 pm

Im so happy that there's some people who pinpoint that the seme didn't even rebut about how that bitch insulted the uke like wtf men u even say you'll protect him then why did u let that bitch insult him, gosh its freaking me out. mamoro its not enough to flick him punch him instead for him to wake up in that shit

    not a fujoshi November 13, 2020 12:26 pm
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    Peachy November 13, 2020 12:31 pm
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    Ashley November 13, 2020 3:11 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! UDontNeedToKnowWho

    Dude same I’m probably just gonna come back and hope for the best that the seme gets a taste of his own medicine and understand how it feels like to be jealous and at the very least get a punch from the other guy instead of a flick on the four head

    Moon November 13, 2020 6:15 pm

    Now that I think about it, takeru never defended the uke when the classmates are hating on him. Even one of his classmate said to takeru, "aren't you gonna say anything?"

    Man, the taker really have to step up his game bcs I'm beginning to ship mamoru with uke

    Ashley November 13, 2020 7:34 pm
    Now that I think about it, takeru never defended the uke when the classmates are hating on him. Even one of his classmate said to takeru, "aren't you gonna say anything?"Man, the taker really have to step up hi... Moon

    Oh my god that’s so true. Welp now we know that the seme is a useless person