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kyungsoo is honestly best boy and he is 100% a good influence on chowon. i'm hoping for th...

bullshitter30 November 13, 2020 11:07 am

kyungsoo is honestly best boy and he is 100% a good influence on chowon. i'm hoping for them to be able to talk things out and for chowon to finally get his character redemption.

also for ya'll who are shitting on hyesung for telling his friend the story about a psycho bitch (in his pov. you do remember that pretty boy hired men to kidnap, then physically & sexually assault heesoo, right?) clearly are just blinded by the hatred for hyesung, forgot that the latter literally has no idea that kyungsoo and chowon are together, and/or only want to see chowon and kyungsoo be happy without considering the fact that kyungsoo would have found out about what chowon had done in some other way or another.
he might have found out about it through an unfortunate way - through someone else's mouth - but i think how he finds out doesn't change much. he and chowon will have to eventually talk to terms about it regardless.
kyungsoo's love is pure, and that's exactly the reason why he and chowon work so well together. a bump on the road doesn't necessarily lead to a crash. i'm counting on them to work things out and have their happy ever after.
