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I read many fucked up things and ofc I don't confuse them with reality. Fiction is fiction...

Anonymous November 13, 2020 2:17 am

I read many fucked up things and ofc I don't confuse them with reality. Fiction is fiction. That relationship in this manga tho reminds me tho a lot of a friend of mine back in High school.
At the age of 14, she dated men in their 30s 40s. It's different to see that in reality. Her mom knew about that and allowed her (her mom is a very selfish person btw). Even now in her 20s she still dates old men the older she gets the older men she is looking for.
I'm not telling this to judge her or anything, I told her my opinion about it, but she always gets angry. The 14yo her and the 24yo her both have the same reply. ''It's my choice''.
I still remember the 15yo her, after a party her then bf came to pick her up. It was like a father who came to pick up his daughter. I threw up after I went home. I remember his wrinkled hand around her shoulder and her smiling shyly. I wish I could understand her but that was so weird in my eyes. Is it because her father abandoned her when she was a toddler? Looking for older men bc also looking for a father figure? I don't know. We fought a lot one time as well. I was a late bloomer let's say and was making fun of me. I called her a slut and disgusting for sleeping with older men and two-timing them. We made up crying apologizing and hugging each other in the school bathroom one hr later. I wish she finds happiness. She seems happy now i guess.....

    Mojooo November 13, 2020 3:03 am

    .. Um, yes. Unfortunately things like this tend to happen because of an absence of a parent figure in their lives. They subconsciously look up to older people.... i guess if in the end they could work it up, good for them. Your friend though... I could never imagine my 14 y.o sister dating anyone let alone an older man, lol (?)... And two-timing to boot? Honestly, i can't say a thing. I just hope you're still in good term with her.

    SolracXV November 13, 2020 10:25 am

    Thanks for sharing this story :o

    I'd like to comment on that kinda situation rather than the person per se (which I don't have any idea about). First, there is a particularity about dating with an older partner and that is <maturity>. Some girls (and also boys why not?) that preffer older partner do so because of a previous date experience that went bad. And I mean bad as in kid dating kid, do stupid things to one another then get upset and broke it off (sometimes dramatically too). That's the norm in teenage relationships, because that's how young stupidity works at that age.

    Some girls/boys get fed up of that and find out that getting to know an older partner not only has less chance of making stupid quarrels over small stuffs, but also has a higher chance of it being a person that will think things like feelings, wants and likes about you better and faster (like in before screwing up) and then bond relatively easily than when both are inmature kids.

    About she not keeping a stable relationship speaks of some personal interest. Maybe through her teen-young adult stage, even while dating mature partners, she herself kept that inmature metality, idk, maybe they pampered her too much and she felt like a spoiled princess, it can happen.