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im greedy

mamankracing November 11, 2020 11:02 pm

can someone spoiled me a lil bit bout the system(?)

    RuruLe November 11, 2020 11:22 pm

    Ohhhhh this is a whole story so
    It was quite some time ago since I read the novel but I remember that Jinwoo is like a chosen vessel for a very powerful creature called the Shadow Sovereign. Sovereigns are creatures whose power is by far the most destructive one, like this Dragon Kamish from America is a mere servant for them. These Sovereigns go against „God“ and his servants the Rulers. The Shadow Sovereign was someone who wasn’t welcomed anywhere but he was the most powerful one but still lost. So a body was chosen aka Jinwoo to serve as a vessel for him to be reborn and the system was there to strengthen him and kinda also kinda prepare him for this?

    RuruLe November 11, 2020 11:27 pm
    Ohhhhh this is a whole story so MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR SPOILER .........................It was quite some time ago since I read the novel but I remember that Jinwoo is like a chosen vessel for a very powerful creatu... RuruLe

    Take this info with a grain of salt plz, maybe I went sideways at some details but the overall plot is like that