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Idk bout yall but for me.. The bad thing bout rashta is she stole someone husband..(but tb...

Shut up November 8, 2020 2:20 pm

Idk bout yall but for me.. The bad thing bout rashta is she stole someone husband..(but tbh its normal to have concubine at tht time right.but of cos who would like it when their husband lov other woman) .other than that. Tbh shes not tht evil villian much. She really happy when she recieve the sword. N shes happy to see the empress. N she wants her baby to be happy. At least shes not try to poison the empress or even pay a killer to kill the empress. Like any other villian character. She just a low born who wants to live in luxury. After all those painful life. She also wants happiness. Just her way is kindaa.. U knoww wrong. But oh well for me shes not tht evil like other villian character.

    WheresMyPopTarts November 8, 2020 2:24 pm

    The true villain is Him, why would he even get married to another women when u still love your wife? That's just disgusting plus u had a baby with another women too! Why would u expect her to still love you, hopefully she gets an divorce soon

    Monie November 8, 2020 2:26 pm

    Ngl atleast she's genuinely like that man

    Cherryboi November 8, 2020 2:34 pm

    Ummm as someone who read the novel I can say just wait she is gonna get so annoying.

    kimtae November 8, 2020 2:37 pm

    Lol i think its just since this adaptation does make her seem a lot more innocent and clueless than she actually is...she’s a lottt more schemy and manipulative in the novel

    fatum_7 November 8, 2020 2:46 pm

    She also conspired against that one chick who cheated on her husband just so her rumours would die down.. that one guy nearly got killed cuz of her and if she had the power she would do the same to our beloved empress... also giving all that money to that roteshu bastard just so nobody finds out that she has a child..

    LatteGratte November 8, 2020 3:00 pm
    The true villain is Him, why would he even get married to another women when u still love your wife? That's just disgusting plus u had a baby with another women too! Why would u expect her to still love you, ho... WheresMyPopTarts

    Nah, Rashta is a true villain. Sovieshu is just an idiot.

    manganiME November 8, 2020 3:21 pm
    Lol i think its just since this adaptation does make her seem a lot more innocent and clueless than she actually is...she’s a lottt more schemy and manipulative in the novel kimtae

    So true. She comes across as much more malevolent in the novel.

    Here, she's super bimbo annoying.

    Sovieshu, though, is the prime villain. He's educated. He has experience ruling. He's had a competent wife. It's him to fucks everything up and tormets the empress (needlessly) for his own selfish reasons.

    Lexie November 8, 2020 4:21 pm

    It’s cause she’s to stupid to be a villain, but not stupid enough to not know what she’s doing. She purposely makes statements in fron of people in order to get the empress to do something so that she doesn’t look bad in front of the people