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so did sangwoo actually love bum?

vinnie November 7, 2020 1:48 am

so did sangwoo actually love bum?

    Yaoi_Girl November 8, 2020 8:31 pm
    No, I meant if Sangwoo didn't have his trauma he wouldn't have kept Yoonbum bc Sangwoo said quite a few times that Yoonbum looks like his mother. If he had a happy family I don't think he'll kill anyone so Yoon... $MYGUYY$

    Oops, misunderstood! Sorry.

    Natsumi_ November 9, 2020 8:23 am
    Will there be another convention? I'm looking forward to meeting the author $MYGUYY$

    Not with coronavirus around I guess. She had a scheduled meeting in Japan last April but obviously it got cancelled. Hopefully next year

    Mxnalxsa November 9, 2020 11:37 pm
    No. I read this online 1 year ago without an account on mangago. If you look at the Authors message it would say that Sangwoo didn't love him, but kept him alive bc he looked and seemed like his mother. It was ... $MYGUYY$

    i'm sorry but sangwoo that bitch you threw fucking yoon bum away like a damn rapper to candy like i was pissed and crying you don't know how many tissue boxes i went threw