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Ok so like yea....

Megami-Rori November 4, 2020 3:53 pm

Miss banache(?) is literally the very taboo-in-action of every ficton readers lsbdiwbdisbsibdk LIKE BRUH WHO TF APPLIES BOOKS STORIES OR STORIES IN REAL LIFE IWBDISBSKSJD (or like the very flow of the story). It's like i just wanna slap her and say "DONT APPLY THE VERY FLOW OF A STORY OF A FICTION IN REAL LIFE OR IN SHORT DONT APPLY FICTION IN REAL LIFE, ESPECIALLY ROMANCE FICTION SHIT THAT YOU THINK IS LIKE YOUR LIFE LIKE BRUH. NUH-UH"

Ok that's all. I just wanted to say this JAHDSHSJSHSJSHSHAHSHAH i just came back from rereading it all so yea. But anyways,,, UPDATESSSSS HUHUHUHU
