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Hello again

Gem November 4, 2020 12:23 pm

There's a notif of rape on the FIRST PAGE of ch.1 .... then why are you still complaining? If you dont like it .. then LEAVE.. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ .. simple as that, right?.. there's a WARNING but you still READ it.. idk bout that rape, but STUPIDITY CAN BE FOREVER y'know...

    Momo November 6, 2020 3:08 pm

    No one is complaining about the rape being there, they are complaining about how it's treated in the story. And rightfully so, the whole story is consoling the asshole rapist while dismissing the seriousness of the act itself because the uke is 'forgiving'. Its insulting and annoying.
    Oh, and btw as you said stupidity can be forever. But in a lot of cases its fixable. The trigger warning was for the presence of rape, not the quality of the story. In the future refrain from insulting people without cause for pointing out flaws in a work.