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Hazel November 3, 2020 9:13 am

So basically in chapter 7 Eivan gets upset because he feels afraid that Inah will leave him for Asbelus since she has been receiving gifts from him. She reassures him that she won’t marry him because she just met Asbelus. Then Asbelus comes to her for an inspection which is shown in ch 8. Honestly it sorta made me feel sad for eivan cause she made it seem as if she’s committed to Eivan, but then soon after she has sex with Asbelus. I guess it’s acceptable in that society but damn she really did it behind Eivan’s back too since they had sex when he wasn’t home. T_T

    Hazel November 3, 2020 9:15 am

    By marry him I mean Asbelus. So she reassured Eivan that she won’t marry Asbelus because she just met Asbelus.