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Oh Rachel you dummie...

Alice Moon October 31, 2020 9:13 pm

I thought it was very obvious that she claimed design was hers to get as much princes favor as possible. She doesnt give a flying monkeys about Marie or her interest - she is looking to win riding on Maries skills. Instead, she fallen behind because she LIED and he knew hence he gave her a chance to correct it by asking again - second time. So when she as more adamant on the lie - you can see the way the hands were drawn in the panel when he lets her hand go - to me that looks cold like he just built a barricade between himself and Rachel. I think the finishing blow is going to be about cookies. Rachel is going to lie that its either her family's recipe or that she had baked them herself. Other one is going to lose due to her underhanded methods - i think both of them failed to realise that both are watched 24/7 and there are prolly detailed reports on their escapades given to the prince's subordinate or even to prince directly. After all, he did ask his subbordinate judge best option for a queen - cant have liabilities (liar/ manipulator candidates) hanging there can we.
