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Seems interesting

Livid October 31, 2020 4:21 pm

Lol you guys are super harsh on the uke.

It seems like he's just being realistic and takes his work seriously but im pretty sure he has some social issues though.
You can tell he works really hard and obviously doesnt expect things to just get handed to him so expects and wants others to do the same. Hes like an old geezer of the show buisness is what i take from it because, 10 YEARS!?!?!?!

    pinhead larry November 1, 2020 12:40 am

    nah makes sense, i wouldnt wanna work with a guy like this ehen he gets blth pissed if you’re bad or TOO good, talk about petty. for a guy who’s been in the industry, even his co-workers are whispering behind his back because they KNOW his attitude is crap.