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Not sure how I feel about this one.

iamxrae May 24, 2015 3:09 am

I don't think either Tetsu or Toshiya were cheating because they weren't in a relationship with each other until the end. Toshiya I thought was okay. His point of view is that he has to take care of the troublesome son of his past sensei who he loved and admired. He ended up going out with manager because he reminded him of Sensei, but Toshiya couldn't fully fall for him. That's normal behaviour. What's not normal is Tetsu's whole "I love him. I want him to see me having sex with all these people so that he will pay attention to me and fall in love with me too" bullshit. I hate semes like Tetsu. I would hate ukes that did the same thing.

    Sky Wheeler October 18, 2015 1:35 am

    It is quite annoying, but human nature is really confusing isn't it? We make stupid decisions based off of our jealousy and our absolute desire for something or someone, an action that often leads to lots of mistakes. I might not like it, but to some degree I somewhat understand how to seme feels. But that doesn't make it any less annoying lol

    VolcanoFan1 August 22, 2016 2:07 am
    It is quite annoying, but human nature is really confusing isn't it? We make stupid decisions based off of our jealousy and our absolute desire for something or someone, an action that often leads to lots of mi... Sky Wheeler

    Bingo! You nailed it. :)